TT-973: The Advantages of Dedicated Operators

Models Affected: All Battery Extractors

Utilizing dedicated personnel to perform battery changes can provide several advantages over individual forklift operators changing their own batteries. Utilizing a dedicated extractor operator can lead to higher efficiency per battery change leading to substantial savings long term as well as increasing the longevity of the equipment.

Dedicating an operator to the battery handling process creates responsibility and accountability for the equipment. Without designated operators, there is typically no traceability if there is damage to the battery room equipment, meaning responsible parties cannot be identified when damage is found. This leads to less care being taken with the equipment. Every operator utilizing the battery changing equipment also leads to less familiarity with the equipment which can lead to poor operation practices resulting in longer change out times and potential damage to the extractor, stands, trucks and batteries.

BHS recommends that a dedicated operator be assigned for each shift of battery extractor operation. This provides accountability for any improper use or damage to the equipment. A dedicated operator will also have the ability to become more familiar and proficient in operation of the equipment leading to decreased time for battery change outs. A familiarity with the equipment can also lead to early detection of operational issues, allowing small problems to be addressed before they become larger problems. When not performing change outs the dedicated operator can be assigned to maintenance tasks on the extractor, batteries and overall system, further ensuring smoother operation and less downtime overall.

For more information, call our Technical Support Group at 1.877.BHS.4YOU (1.877.247.4968).

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