National Safety Month

watch-for-lift-trucks The National Safety Council established June as National Safety Month. BHS kicked off National Safety Month by sharing a blog titled OSHA Standards in the Battery Room — Part One: Introduction to OSHA Regulations. This blog is the first in a four-part series, guiding readers on the OSHA standards that are most relevant to battery handling. OSHA plays a fundamental role in establishing and enforcing standards that ensure workplace safety. The quantity and complexity of regulations can be overwhelming, and this blog series offers a simplified approach to improve understanding. The second and third blog in the series are live on the website. Keep an eye on for the fourth and final blog, which will be posted later this month.

Today happens to be National Forklift Safety Day, and BHS would like to remind everyone of the importance of operator training on forklift battery change-out equipment. BHS recommends designating dedicated operators to handle all of your battery change-outs and maintenance for each shift. Trained, dedicated operators use equipment more carefully and maintain it more reliably. BHS Operational Videos can be used to supplement your operator training.

How are you observing National Safety Month?